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ChatGPT for Children’s Authors
ChatGPT for Children's Authors? If you’re worried that AI is going to take over your creativity and leave you obsolete as a children’s author, this video is for you—I’m about to show you that AI isn't here to replace us, but to help us in so many amazing ways. We'll...
Dialogue RULES for Children’s Books
Dialogue rules for children's books don't have to be hard. In fact, they can be so much fun to apply. Using dialogue in our stories can make such a big difference, especially if we do it in a creative, enriching, and colorful way. Below are the main rules. And to...
Children’s Book Story Endings & Closings
In my How To Self-Publish a Children's Book, I shared a link to a side with a wonderful list of Children's Book Story Endings & Story Closings. But with the ever-changing web and its links, it is no longer available, so I wanted to make sure to also share my own...
Children’s Book Story Openers & Starters
In my How To Self-Publish a Children's Book, I shared a link to a side with a wonderful list of Children's Book Story Openers & Story Starters. But with the ever-changing web and its links, it is no longer available, so I wanted to make sure to also share my own...
Should I Write Children’s Books About Holidays?
Children’s books about holidays - is this something we should consider? Is it worth it? (HINT: it just might be!!). So, in this article, we will find out: WHETHER OR NOT we should be writing children’s books about holidays HOW to determine if we should be writing...
How To End A Story – The Perfect Ending For Your Children’s Book
"How to end a story?" - that's a question many aspiring children's authors ponder. Finding a story idea is the easy (and fun) part when it comes to writing a children's book, especially when following my Lead With The Hearth method in my free Find Your Story Idea...
Should My Children’s Book Have a Lesson or Purpose?
The very first thing I ALWAYS ask my clients during our 1-on-1 session is this question right here:What is it that you’re trying to achieve with your children’s book? If you do not have an answer to this question, and if you’ve never asked yourself this question, it...
Why You Should Write A Children’s Book
I just spent a rainy afternoon reading and re-reading books to a toddler. Some of them were fantastic classics such as Where the Wild Things Are and The Little Engine That Could — delightful tales filled with wonderful imagery and positive messages. And others were...