If you’ve been trying to come up with some great gift ideas for aspiring authors you could ask your family for, then you’ve come to the right place, my friend! Today, I’m going to share 19 great presents for children’s book authors with you that you can share with...
The other day I shared how Amazon’s most recent changes now allow independently published authors to add more images to our Amazon sales page. I received such wonderful feedback and so many questions, the main one being about the children’s book mockup images I...
I had so many different title ideas for this article on how to leverage media coverage, but had such a hard time deciding. So I wanted to share a few with you right here: Getting the most out of your Book Reviews The Power of your Thank You!!! (+ Etiquette) How to...
Using a QR code for books? QR codes have been around for a long time, but up until now, haven’t really been used to their full potential – at least not by us authors. Some swear by them, others think they’re not worth it. Those that believe the latter...
Choosing categories for children’s books is often an afterthought for many first-time authors. It’s something most don’t think about until it is time to upload our book onto Amazon. Just like with keywords, however, it’s important to strategically (and NOT randomly)...
Hello my friend! I’m Eevi. And when I’m not building Lego castles or playing chase with my two boys, I’m writing children’s books and help other aspiring authors do the same – it’s what I was meant to do all along ♥️♥️♥️