ChatGPT for Children’s Authors

ChatGPT for Children’s Authors? If you’re worried that AI is going to take over your creativity and leave you obsolete as a children’s author, this video is for you—I’m about to show you that AI isn’t here to replace us, but to help us in so many amazing...

BEST Tax & Business Structure for Children’s Authors

If you too have been wondering what the best tax & business structure for children’s authors might be, how to treat and report your royalty income as an author, and IF and HOW to legally and financially classify yourself as an author (including how to do...
19 Gift Ideas for Aspiring Authors & Children’s Authors

19 Gift Ideas for Aspiring Authors & Children’s Authors

If you’ve been trying to come up with some great gift ideas for aspiring authors you could ask your family for, then you’ve come to the right place, my friend! Today, I’m going to share 19 great presents for children’s book authors with you that you can share with...
Children’s Book Mockup

Children’s Book Mockup

The other day I shared how Amazon’s most recent changes now allow independently published authors to add more images to our Amazon sales page. I received such wonderful feedback and so many questions, the main one being about the children’s book mockup images I...