My Story isn’t completed yet.

☐  My Story is already written.

☐  My book is ready to be published OR has already been published.


How To Self-Publish A Children’s Book

Finding and hiring a talented and professional illustrator is the #1 stumbling block for aspiring children’s book authors. This kit includes everything you need to master this important milestone.

children's book university Nr 1 Registered

Children’s Book University®

This flagship program is a step-by step roadmap and the ONLY course you will need to WRITE, ILLUSTRATE, and PUBLISH your own beautiful children’s book.

how to launch a children's book

30-Day Launch Mastery

Your day-by-day, step-by-step interactive Road Map that provides a tested and proven Launch Strategy for the Launch of your Children’s Book.


YOUR CHOICE: Purchase these courses individually OR gain access to all 7 when you enroll into Children’s Book University.

Illustrator Survival Kit

Finding and hiring a talented and professional illustrator is the #1 stumbling block for aspiring children’s book authors. This kit includes everything you need to master this important milestone.

children's book formatting templates

PLUG & GO Formatting Templates

An easy-peasy Children’s Book Layout Template Set of the 4 most common book sizes – your Plug & Go solution for the professional formatting of the paperback version of your book.  

NEW: now also includes


Influencer Outreach

This master course will teach you step-by-step how to genuinely connect with influencers so they write a foreword or editorial review for your children’s book.

children's book layout template

Book Mockup Templates

An easy-peasy way to create your very own mockup images for your beautiful children’s book. Create as many mockup images as you’d like, without any monthly subscription fees and without an image cap.

NEW: now also includes


Ideation & Illustration Perfected

Ideation & Illustration Perfected is an complete and extensive step-by-step blueprint for the creation of a story that sells, illustrations that move, and a cover that hooks.

Formatting Mastery

Formatting Mastery is a comprehensive course that enables you to format your beautiful children’s book yourself. With this course, you will learn how to create a Paperback, Ebook, and Hardcover version. 

Launch & Marketing Success

Unlock your book’s success with an unbeatable launch & marketing strategy. This course will walk you through an actual launch, so you can see what to do when, where, and how.


Author Website Studio

1-2-3 steps to your own FREE author website. Where a domain is optional, an expensive hosting platform not needed, and monthly fees not invited. In fact, your website will be absolutely free.

Age Range Perfect

This master course will teach you step-by-step how to find the perfect age group that is best for YOU and your precious Children’s Book.

1-on-1 Sessions

Book your Ask-Me-Anything, Story Feedback, or Launch Strategy here. By the end of our call, you will have clarity and answers to all your questions. 


how to write a children's book template

FREE: Your Writing Template

This Children’s Book Template includes all the steps you’ll need to write and develop a beautiful book with lovable characters and an engaging and fun story line. 

FREE: 5 Biggest Mistakes Children’s Book Authors Are Making (and how to prevent + fix them)

This highly actionable masterclass will show you the 5 biggest mistakes aspiring children’s book authors are making, and how to prevent and fix them right away (if you’ve already made them). 

children's book idea

FREE: Your Bestselling Story Idea

Your Secret Story Elements Uncovered – This free three-part Masterclass will show you how to find your bestelling story idea TODAY.

illustration temlate generator tool

FREE: Illustration Template Generator

Use my Template Generator Tool to calculate & download the right dimensions for all your illustrations – whether that’s single, double, or cover illustrations.

what age to write for

FREE: Age Range Perfect™ Quiz

Based on your story idea and your own writing style, what Age Range should you write your children’s book for? Take this fun quiz to find out!

FREE: Perfect Title Formula

Whether you already have a title in mind, or don’t have any idea what to name your book, you don’t want to miss this highly actionable 2-Part Masterclass.

author marketing toolkit

FREE: Author Marketing Toolkit

Everything you need to prepare for your marketing – whether you need to set up your social media profile, prepare for an author event, or get ready for a successful interview. This kit has you covered. 

what age to write for

FREE: Eevi’s Weekly Newsletter

It’s one of Eevi’s clients’, students’, and readers’ favorite resource. Every Sunday, you will receive a fun, motivating, and creative email all about Children’s Books.

FREE: Eevi’s Weekly Videos

Access Eevi’s actionable Children’s Book-specific videos – all about the writing, illustrating, formatting, publishing, and marketing of Children’s Books. Watch a new video every week.

Author interview preparation

FREE: Author Interview Preparation

Everything you will need to prepare for your upcoming Author Interview – be it on TV, a Podcast, a local Radio Station, or on someone’s Blog. I can’t wait to hear about your successful interviews!